Topic: Markets

A city full of smog Research Brief / Stock Returns

Your Chinese Supplier Pollutes – It Dents Your Stock Price?

The market penalizes customers’ shares more than those of the polluter

Illustration of two dice Research Brief / Investing

You Call That Fun? Why Individual Stock Investors Bother

Avanidhar Subrahmanyam studies how some investors’ gambling mentality affects share prices

Monochrome picture of children cheering Research Brief / Investing

When Younger Investors Overreact to News, Others Feel It

Inexperienced investors, lacking historical context, impact markets

Lehman Brothers building on September 15 Research Brief / Investing

When Financial Intermediaries Sneeze, These Assets Catch a Cold

Some investment vehicles are more reliant than others on the health of trading firms

Monochrome photo of people standing in line for bread Research Brief / Banking

What Makes a True Financial Crisis?

Data back to 1870 show similarities in the worst banking system shocks — focusing on loose lending before a meltdown

A graphic illustration of the stock market Research Question / Markets

What Limited Attention Does to Efficient Market Theory

Stocks don’t react to news immediately because, well, we’re human

An illustration that has interlocking chains to represent blockchain Research Brief / Currencies

What Happens to Pesos When Dollars Go Digital?

As major central banks adopt digital currency, emerging countries will feel mixed effects

Bar and line chart Research Brief / Corporate Finance

What Drives LBO Fever? More Than Just Cheap Loans

Private equity investors weigh the total cost of capital — not just debt, but equity as well — when pursuing buyouts

Vintage desktop calendar isolated on a white background. Research Brief / Bond Market

Unintended Consequence of Stale Corporate Bond Fund Prices Amid Fed Tightening

In wild markets, do the most dated prices actually reduce redemptions?

Research Brief / Investing

Treasury Securities Are Actually Cheap Sometimes

They don’t trade at an absolute equal to intrinsic value, despite their image as the world’s investment bedrock

Man using a laptop computer chatting with an intelligent artificial intelligence asks for the answers he wants. Feature / Investing

They’re Calling It the AI Bull Market

After launch of ChatGPT, swift reappraisal by investors

Illustration balance of risk and reward on a scale Research Brief / Stock Returns

The Strange Case of the Missing Stock Market Return

Investors in leveraged companies take on extra risk, but research indicates they see no offsetting return

A castle with a moat Research Brief / Investing

The Moat That Keeps Complex Asset Strategies Profitable

Andrea Eisfeldt finds that hedge funds with infrastructure to execute sophisticated arbitrage crowd out less-expert investors

Two people watching a Progressive Insurance ad on TV Research Brief / Advertising

The Limited Payoff in Auto Insurance Advertising

Ads aimed at brand awareness are shown to be more effective

Illustration of a tightrope walker Research Brief / Investing

The Collective Wisdom of Options Trades as Interest Rate Predictor

Skewness, measuring the range of biases, strongly suggests rate moves

A view of a petrochemical plant at night Research Brief / Competition

Sunk Costs Work as Barrier to Exit

Firms endure losses in hopes of a turnaround