Market concentration, price and quality drive choice of firms
The case for using rising market volatility as a signal to pare back on stocks — does higher risk always mean higher return?
A model incorporating markets that allow betting on elections suggests a role in prognostications
Local currency sovereign bonds transfer risk from issuer to buyer
Traders see an implicit promise beyond specific asset purchases
A predictive model employs credit default swaps across currencies
A short squeeze can ripple across short sellers’ positions
The relationship between short- and longer-term moving averages has strong predictive power for share price returns
A model examines the relationships between innovation, speculation and market values
Sebastian Edwards finds Keynes’ public take-down of Roosevelt’s gold policies still relevant today
Buyers find the tomes heavy, costly and too frequently revised, while sellers might like to kill the used book market entirely
A scan of a million brokerage accounts finds the wealthy trade ahead of market-moving news
Well-known market anomalies are largely absent among the biggest stocks
Valentin Haddad’s research finds that insurers’ patient investing shields risky assets — and those who hold them — from steeper declines
Equity volatility can encourage — or dampen — investment, depending on a firm’s bond spread
Real-world bond data reveals how the capital positions and liquidity of middlemen affect prices of securities they broker