Chinese garment workers and U.S. university employees, worlds apart, react similarly when allowed a bit of self-determination
Insurrection at U.S. Capitol led some Trump voters to surprising assessment
Notion that boys are innately better at math undermines girls’ self-belief
The narrative of a growing cultural divide, while partly true, conceals a more nuanced picture
Nurses (and women) rate highly for warmth; lawyers, not so much
Revisiting decades of research, scholars find a theory of psychological strength emerges
Being stigmatized by stereotype feeds anxiety and depletes self-control
In Northern cities, railroad tracks that defined Black neighborhoods remain boundaries against economic mobility
Research suggests the nations actually have similar feelings toward wealth
Women — and some men — more inclined to apply for positions
How vote outcomes affect feelings about society
A clue that parents prefer a son: They have more kids when their firstborn is a girl
Analysis of 15 years of Wikipedia editors’ chatter reveals women of rank don’t shrink from controversial topics
In experiments, immorality and harm are deemed more extreme merely because an act was punished
The benefit to students increases over time