Topic: Wealth Inequality

Research Brief / COVID-19

The Dollar Store Fix for Vaccination Deserts

Pharmacies aren’t everywhere — adding dollar stores could reduce average distance to vaccination by 62%

Illustration of an employee working with their boss sitting next to them Research Brief / Compensation

Employee or Capitalist? Equity Compensation Merges the Two

Labor’s losses to capital, much studied, aren’t quite as grim when stock and options are tabulated

Various fast food restaurant signs along a road Research Brief / Minimum Wage

A $15 Minimum Wage May Have (Partially) Arrived, But Who Pays?

Study of L.A.-area restaurants gauges effect on owners, customers, landlords

Research Brief / Debt

Medical Debt in Collection Estimated at $140 Billion

Poorer residents of states refusing to expand Medicaid hit hardest

A red book entitled "Labor in the Age of Finance: Pensions, Politics, and Corporations from Deindustrialization to Dodd-Frank" by Sanford M. Jacoby Book Review / Labor

How Unions Tried to Harness Pension Fund Clout to Aid Organizing

A book examines labor’s alliance with other large shareholders to rein in corporate power

Close-up angled image of someone's eye. The eye is reflecting a beach landscape Research Brief / Personal Finance

Do Money Troubles Make It Harder to Daydream?

Popular notion that the poor console themselves with fantasy is perhaps more a comfort to the rich

Two cartoon figures. One is sitting on a large pile of gold coins while the other has very few. Research Brief / Income

Wage Transparency Might Make Income Inequality Even Worse

Unintended consequences in trying to apply market solutions

Four children are sitting around a shoe box filled with dirt and worms engaging in a science project Research Brief / Education

Head Start, the Public Preschool Program, More Than Pays for Itself

Large study sees increases in education, declines in public assistance

A close up image of flowers, candles, and photos to remember those who have died from COVID-19 Forecast / COVID-19

COVID-19 Death Rates Vary Widely by County, But Why?

As the pandemic wears on, a search for the factors that cost lives

An aerial photo of a work site Research Brief / Economy

World Economy 9.6% Bigger Without Investment Barriers

In a model, cultural differences matter as much as geography, institutional distinctions or capital constraints

An unseen American politician walking on their stage at a rally Research Brief / COVID-19

Economic and Ideological Predictors of the Unique U.S. COVID-19 Failure

Examining local-level plans and behavior to uncover drivers of failed compliance with expert advice

Four children independently working on a math assignment Research Brief / Gender Gap

Math Gender Gap: Nonexistent for Blacks, Notable for Affluent Whites

Well-to-do families doting on their sons at daughters’ expense?

Person pulling out 5 dollar bill from white envelope Feature / Behavioral Decision Making

Unwelcome Gift Message: ‘I Know You Need Money’

The same gift, with a message on saving the recipient time, is more welcome

Cans of Ayam Brand tuna Research Brief / Retail

A Smaller Middle Class Means Less Variety on Grocery Shelves

Researchers compare income disparity by county to product availability

A farm on the prairie with one side dry Research Brief / Public Policy

Ownership Structure of Tribal Land Exacts a Multibillion-Dollar Penalty

Can’t sell it, can’t borrow against it, can’t develop it

Autonomous trucks on the road Feature / Technology

Rapid Change Is Coming to the Service Sector

Technology and “industrialization” are reshaping services as they did manufacturing