Avanidhar Subrahmanyam studies how some investors’ gambling mentality affects share prices
Patterns in corporate bond returns include abrupt short-term performance reversals and “momentum” waves that persist
Investors initially underreact to volatility, then overreact
Tax policy change triggers an incentive for lenders to be more aggressive
Their level of technology and services makes up for it; it’s vice versa with little banks
Nurses, cosmetologists and other professionals find wages suppressed more than many lower-skilled workers
Inexperienced investors, lacking historical context, impact markets
Some lenders’ balance sheets are less affected by a rising federal funds rate
Researchers developed an index that warns earlier than others about approaching home loan problems
Some investment vehicles are more reliant than others on the health of trading firms
Data back to 1870 show similarities in the worst banking system shocks — focusing on loose lending before a meltdown
Private equity investors weigh the total cost of capital — not just debt, but equity as well — when pursuing buyouts
The same gift, with a message on saving the recipient time, is more welcome
In wild markets, do the most dated prices actually reduce redemptions?
Not part of financial reporting, trademark activity predicts stock returns
They don’t trade at an absolute equal to intrinsic value, despite their image as the world’s investment bedrock