Area: Finance

Illustration of two dice Research Brief / Investing

You Call That Fun? Why Individual Stock Investors Bother

Avanidhar Subrahmanyam studies how some investors’ gambling mentality affects share prices

Street sign with Past, Present, Future and collage of bond certificates Research Brief / Bond Market

With Bonds, the Past Can Be Prologue

Patterns in corporate bond returns include abrupt short-term performance reversals and “momentum” waves that persist

Aerial view of two bridges over water with a dinghy passing underneath Research Brief / Investing

Why Risk and Reward Don’t Always Move in Concert

Investors initially underreact to volatility, then overreact

Abstract digital generated eyes looking around and the yellow one standing out from the crowd. Research Brief / Banking

Why Do Banks With Little Skin in the Game Still Monitor Borrowers?

Tax policy change triggers an incentive for lenders to be more aggressive

The hands of a young woman depositing check by phone in the cafe. Research Brief / Banking

Why Big Banks Can Pay Less on Deposits

Their level of technology and services makes up for it; it’s vice versa with little banks

Three nurse confer in front of a computer screen at a nurses station Research Brief / Labor

Who Does — and Doesn’t — Suffer From Lack of Competition for Workers

Nurses, cosmetologists and other professionals find wages suppressed more than many lower-skilled workers

Monochrome picture of children cheering Research Brief / Investing

When Younger Investors Overreact to News, Others Feel It

Inexperienced investors, lacking historical context, impact markets

An angled shot of the U.S. Federal Reserve building Research Brief / Banking

When the Fed Taps the Brakes, Not All Banks Slow Down

Some lenders’ balance sheets are less affected by a rising federal funds rate

A laptop computer Research Brief / Housing

When Homeowners Confide in Google, Forecasters See Clues to Mortgage Defaults

Researchers developed an index that warns earlier than others about approaching home loan problems

Lehman Brothers building on September 15 Research Brief / Investing

When Financial Intermediaries Sneeze, These Assets Catch a Cold

Some investment vehicles are more reliant than others on the health of trading firms

Monochrome photo of people standing in line for bread Research Brief / Banking

What Makes a True Financial Crisis?

Data back to 1870 show similarities in the worst banking system shocks — focusing on loose lending before a meltdown

Bar and line chart Research Brief / Corporate Finance

What Drives LBO Fever? More Than Just Cheap Loans

Private equity investors weigh the total cost of capital — not just debt, but equity as well — when pursuing buyouts

Person pulling out 5 dollar bill from white envelope Feature / Behavioral Decision Making

Unwelcome Gift Message: ‘I Know You Need Money’

The same gift, with a message on saving the recipient time, is more welcome

Vintage desktop calendar isolated on a white background. Research Brief / Bond Market

Unintended Consequence of Stale Corporate Bond Fund Prices Amid Fed Tightening

In wild markets, do the most dated prices actually reduce redemptions?

Collage of trademark symbols Research Question / Investing

Underappreciated Investment Edge: Company Trademark Filings

Not part of financial reporting, trademark activity predicts stock returns

Research Brief / Investing

Treasury Securities Are Actually Cheap Sometimes

They don’t trade at an absolute equal to intrinsic value, despite their image as the world’s investment bedrock