Area: Finance

A man using a laptop on his kitchen table Research Brief / Investing

Puncturing the Small-Investors-are-Bad-Investors Narrative

Individuals using the Robinhood trading app appear to beat the market

A woman deposits her vote in a sealed envelope into an official voting ballot box in Washington state. Research Brief / Politics

Prediction Markets + Polls + Economic Indicators: Better Election Forecasting?

A model incorporating markets that allow betting on elections suggests a role in prognostications

Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance business strategy investing concept. Research Brief / Investing

Political Football: Inclusion of ESG Funds in 401(k)s

In nation accustomed to litigation, availability of funds has varied by U.S. Circuit Court boundary

Different countries currencies in a collage format Research Brief / Bond Market

Out of the 1990s Asian Crisis, a New Bond Market Rises

Local currency sovereign bonds transfer risk from issuer to buyer

An illustration of a man at the end of a cliff trying to pull up a coin tied to a string Research Brief / Markets

Options Market Signals Scope of Federal Reserve Interventions

Traders see an implicit promise beyond specific asset purchases

International flags and Euro sign Research Brief / Markets

One European Country Defaults: How Hard-Hit Is the Euro?

A predictive model employs credit default swaps across currencies

Computer screen with stock trading software Research Brief / Trading

One Data Set That Warns Against Margin Trading

As a group, Chinese futures traders more likely to suffer margin call than to profit

Research Brief / Stock Market

Often Reviled, Short Sellers Are Newly Vulnerable to the Meme Mob

A short squeeze can ripple across short sellers’ positions

Stock market ticker displays Feature / Stock Returns

New Appreciation for a Classic Stock Market Gauge

The relationship between short- and longer-term moving averages has strong predictive power for share price returns

Illustration of a man and woman pushing grocery carts with equations and clouds as a background Research Brief / Home Mortgages

Mortgage Prepayments: Factors beyond Interest Rate Movements

A model estimates the impact of economic variables on the pricing of prepayment risk

Downhill race with aerodynamic push cars Research Brief / Investing

Momentum Investing: It Works, But Why?

After a quarter century of sprawling study, it’s time to narrow the focus and settle on an explanation

A woman with long hair hangs up a for sale sign Research Question / Real Estate

Middlemen: Matchmakers or Sources of Strategic Information?

Probing that question using a database of for-sale-by-owner home listings

A gloomy seascape. Research Brief / Corporate Finance

Looming Risk to Financial System: $1 Trillion in Commercial Loan Pools

Known as collateralized loan obligations, their aim is actually to reduce risk

Screen grab of bank website Research Brief / Mortgage Lending

Local-Level Mortgage Lending: How Competition Pushes Rates Higher, Not Lower

A study finds unexpected impact when a disruptive player enters market

Small town in Colorado with red light on main street downtown and first national bank. Research Brief / Recession

Local Banks Provide an Early Warning System on Recessions

When they’re forced to pay up for deposits, it’s a bad sign for area’s economy

Cube puzzle wooden blocks isolated on white background. Research Brief / Risk Management

Loan Pool Covenants, Meant to Contain Risk, Can Instead Spread It

Forced sale of assets could stretch illiquidity across industries