Author: kmenke

Sale signs at a mall with people walking Feature / Behavioral Decision Making

Sales Promotions Influence People Beyond Purchasing Decisions

Exposure to discounts makes people impatient

Coworkers at a bar talking Research Brief / Gender Gap

All Along the Pipeline, Men Promote Men

At one bank, the cumulative effect of male bonding accounts for 39% of the gender pay gap

Food delivery in China Research Brief / E-commerce

Food Delivery Apps: Driver Experience Turns Out to Be Crucial

A model improves on-time performance and yields more repeat business

Group of people standing in a circle with their hands in the middle while smiling Research Brief / Workplace

Workplace Empowerment Can Alter One’s View of Societal Authority

Chinese garment workers and U.S. university employees, worlds apart, react similarly when allowed a bit of self-determination

Digital map Research Brief / Markets

Does Better Corporate Disclosure Boost Markets?

Stronger financial reporting standards seem to mean more for growth of countries’ credit markets than their stock markets

Students in cap and gown Research Brief / Economics

Where College Graduates Gather, Prosperity Rises

Data show growth of educated adults in city populations

Female professor and male student having a discussion Q&A / Happiness

Faculty Q&A: MBA Students in Digital Detox, Committing Random Acts of Kindness

The empirical study of happiness, a growth area at business schools, enters the classroom

Illustration of a man cooking books in a pot Research Brief / Corporate Finance

Upside Earnings Surprise Issued Late: Signal of Possible Manipulation

Companies that take longer than expected to announce results may be buying time for accounting tricks

A man with a headlamp and safety helmet on Research Brief / Wealth Inequality

Americans Want to Help Poor People, but Only the Hard-Working Poor

Biases around race, nation-of-origin and disability are small compared to the preference for helping the diligent

Silhouette of female smoker Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

Shaming Smokers Actually Increases Their Urge to Light Up

Being stigmatized by stereotype feeds anxiety and depletes self-control

High speed view in a tunnel Feature / Investing

At Last, the Momentum Investing Puzzle Solved?

The simplest explanation — “I can’t believe you know something I don’t” — may trump all the rest

Workers in a garment factory Research Brief / Workplace

Motivating Workers with a Sacred Symbol: Promise and Peril

A Chinese garment factory tidied up after golden coins were displayed

Two students using a computer Research Brief / Education

Gender Gaps in School Performance

Socioeconomic factors magnify the boy-girl divide and can explain cross-race differences

McDonald's employee Forecast / Economy

Does a Rising Tide of High-Wage Tech Jobs Really Lift All Boats?

Analysis shows an increase in jobs for low-wage workers, but the buying power of their paycheck declines

Man buying jeans Research Brief / E-commerce

Retailing Cross-Platform Win: A Pop-Up Store Boosts Online Sales

Alibaba finds a fresh twist on an old-school store is an effective marketing tool

Politicians looking at a report Feature / Government

Might More Lobbying Groups, Rather than Fewer, Be Good for Industry and the Public?

Make the influence industry more competitive, a theoretical study suggests