Examining executive pay tied to revenue growth to identify any correlation
Cultural norms — reading and the calendar — affect native English-speakers’ motioning constructs
Measuring the utility of increased care and testing, inputs that aren’t always immediately available
Modest loss of jobs followed 1966 law, but millions won substantial raises
How unknown individuals turn into influencers on a platform for programmers
Target customers with easy access to a competitor?
We won’t call it debunking, but not all investing tips hold up
Nurses (and women) rate highly for warmth; lawyers, not so much
Higher morbidity found where fewer staffers are vaccinated against COVID-19
Waiting until one product model runs out can be a costly mistake
At-home test for colorectal cancer delivered with a deadline
Lenders and private-party sellers constrain a seeming windfall
Measure of export intensity raises questions about trade policy and housing restrictions
Pharmacies aren’t everywhere — adding dollar stores could reduce average distance to vaccination by 62%
Sales forecasting improves markedly as firms participate in standard setting organizations