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Illustration of a tightrope walker Research Brief / Investing

The Collective Wisdom of Options Trades as Interest Rate Predictor

Skewness, measuring the range of biases, strongly suggests rate moves

Leadership Concept with Paper Ship Research Brief / COVID-19

The Case for Field Experiments in Behavioral Research

Nudges already proven to work in the real-world increased uptake of COVID-19 boosters; nudges based on lab findings and expert insights, not so much

Illustration of a man walking on a tight wire with a net below Feature / Goal Setting

The Case for Building Wiggle Room into Goals

Aiming high, with some flexibility to trip up along the way, spurs greater success

An illustration of the outlines of a group of men and women, multicolored Research Brief / Gender

The Art of Selling Corporate Gender Equity Initiatives

Workforce doesn’t identify as feminist? Maybe don’t use that word

Person looking at a computer screen Research Brief / E-commerce

That Online Hotel Review You Wrote? It Matters

Consumers’ comments on TripAdvisor are substitutes for traditional ad spending

An illustration of four figures carrying a large syringe while reading texts about vaccine availability Research Brief / COVID-19

Texting Our Way Closer to Herd Immunity

A simple message with a behavioral nudge boosts vaccination rate

Detail of a 19-century painting depicting the Battle of Kulikovo (1380 CE). Research Brief / Cultural History

Testing 17 Theories on the Development of Complex Civilizations

Large-scale data project produces stark conclusion: military technology + agricultural productivity caused the takeoff

Anderson Review Monthly Quiz Apr 2021 Quiz

Test Your Knowledge of Business and the Economy

A verdict on organic wines, imagining a world without cross-border capital constraints, beach houses and a financial crisis

News Coverage / Anderson Research

An Underappreciated Investing Tip: Check the Trademark Filings

A new study suggests that companies with relatively high trademark filings earn higher future profits

News Coverage / Anderson Research

One Way to Spot Red Flags in Companies’ Financials

Comparing search volume with reported revenue could help auditors and others identify companies that are likely to have future restatements, researchers find

Close-up of a robotic hand calculating bills using calculator in office Research Brief / Technology

Technology’s Hidden Role in the Accountant Shortage

Software that saves time and money may paradoxically be resulting in a shortage of accountants

remote worker using technology Research Brief / Workplace

Technology Alone Won’t Decide the Future of Remote Work

Social and institutional forces ultimately enable — or stifle — change


Techies Have Chance Encounters and Brainstorm — and If They Don’t, Innovation Suffers

What your genome says about college completion, and how likely a crash is after a credit boom

Aerial shot of an industrial district Forecast / Technology

Tech Sector Propels California’s Economy Faster than the Nation’s

New economic indicator allows forecasters to monitor the state’s performance more closely

Refueling an airplane on the airport Punta Cana at the Dominican Republic Research Brief / Global Warming

Taxing Jet Fuel Could Reduce Airline Greenhouse Gas Emissions Now

Breakthrough technologies are years off for aviation, but incremental improvements are available

News Coverage / Anderson Research

Knowing Everyone’s Salaries Can Light a Fire Under Workers

Seeing a career path to advancement—and believing the process is fair—motivates employees, studies show