How investment data and country rankings correlate on treatment of women
How vote outcomes affect feelings about society
Modern-day gender ratios are linked to countries’ agricultural roots
A clue that parents prefer a son: They have more kids when their firstborn is a girl
Aligning people’s idea of a firefighter with the range of work and skills actually required might reduce gender bias
But the “persistence gap” in seeking elective office narrows with experience
Socioeconomic factors magnify the boy-girl divide and can explain cross-race differences
At one bank, the cumulative effect of male bonding accounts for 39% of the gender pay gap
But white men, seeing African American women employed, don’t react so favorably
Well-to-do families doting on their sons at daughters’ expense?
Test yourself on the Silicon Valley Syndrome, gender gap in math, minimum wage research and more
Unintended consequences in trying to apply market solutions
Omitting female-typical language, in the eyes of hiring managers, makes a woman less ‘likable’