Banks close neighborhood outlets and raise prices for branch-delivered services
The government’s floating rate notes feature an added measure of security: higher interest earnings in times of rising rates
Investors may underreact when information arrives in small, continuous bits
Can nudges, tailored to personality traits, persuade retirees to wait?
System provides digital record of payments for India’s vast self-employed ranks, satisfying lenders, and raising the likelihood of starting a business
A 12-month high in local unemployment triggers savings behavior
Immigrants show saving tendencies that carry through several generations
Though defaults are low, rates on credit card loan-backed notes are high
Popular notion that the poor console themselves with fantasy is perhaps more a comfort to the rich
To many, yes, and that belief leads to lower levels of financial well-being
Student debt weighs on happiness more than mortgages or credit card loans
A behavioral nudge passes a real-world test with 6,000 workers
Starting with your future self and looking back to your current self increases likelihood of saving
A review of academic research finds the path to saving more and spending less often involves emotional prompts
Nudges, long aimed at saving behavior, are needed for people converting a nest egg into income
“Uh, I already bought a house”: Tech workers spend ahead of actual stock sales