New research suggests increased risk of illness and death in middle age, on top of longer-lasting income penalty
Younger-patient mortality rate nearly triples, 20 years of data indicate
But white men, seeing African American women employed, don’t react so favorably
Analysis also suggests a more rapid economic recovery by keeping workers and employers allied
Top companies hog the best talent, adding to their competitive advantage
Workplace equality requires more than an end to discrimination
Projects that make health care delivery more efficient require upfront financial help
Revisiting decades of research, scholars find a theory of psychological strength emerges
Embedding psychological nudges in mail reminding people to get tested improves compliance
A different decision tree is used when product information is forgotten, rather than just unknown
A model outperformed simpler statistical approaches in predicting which patients would encounter trouble
The goal is continued development of new drugs and reduction of often shocking prices
The happiest people are moderately patient, not into extreme delayed gratification
Companies hide from shareholders information about loans — more than likely to appease banks
Municipalities address increased traffic, pollution, taxi company bankruptcies and driver poverty
In an election year, that’s bad news for organizations like the American Red Cross