Gauging Trump’s appeal by estimating an area’s social capital
A model predicts with 80% accuracy which orders get handed off
Welcome to UCLA Anderson Review’s quiz, in which we aim to extract business and life lessons from faculty research we cover each month.
Can’t sell it, can’t borrow against it, can’t develop it
Complexity and a failure to boost platform revenue were culprits
Washington state data: Profits higher, prices lower at multi-store firms
Doing worse than mom and dad is a drag on the entire economy
When CEO and analyst share a first name, earnings estimates are sharper
Smartphone GPS tracks staffers between facilities
Do bigger companies win even when they lose out on corrupt deals?
Fresh-start dates can serve as either — it’s a two-way nudge
The value of schmoozing, $3.4 trillion gone missing, the mystery of momentum investing, and more
Technology and “industrialization” are reshaping services as they did manufacturing
NASA employees engaged when it was clear their bosses were on board
B2B relationships aren’t the rational arena classic theories would suggest