Content Type: Research Brief

A hand preparing to write on a blank paper Research Brief / Sustainability

Organic Wines Prevail in an Analysis of French Wine Ratings

Standards vary and organics capture just 4% of world market

An illustration of a man at the end of a cliff trying to pull up a coin tied to a string Research Brief / Markets

Options Market Signals Scope of Federal Reserve Interventions

Traders see an implicit promise beyond specific asset purchases

Two opposing co-ed teams play a game of soccer Research Brief / Gender Gap

Opting Women into Competition Could Help Narrow Gender Gap

Fixing the process and abandoning the mindset of ‘fixing the women’

Censored pricing at a store - Sale Price Research Brief / Pricing

Opaque Pricing: How Sellers Can Gather Data and Boost Revenue

Websites peddle unnamed hotels and even cities; would you pay to omit one from the list?

A pile of glittery gold stars on the left of the frame and in the center a yellow star Research Brief / Sales

Online Reviews: Should Sellers Show All or a Subset Relevant to You?

Most sellers do one or the other, but giving shoppers both might lift sales

Mobile phone using the Yelp app Research Brief / E-commerce

Online Reviews Sway Experiential Purchases Less Than Those of Material Products

Reviews that explicitly talk about objective quality assessments are well received

A woman having coffee in front of a laptop Research Brief / E-commerce

Online Coupons Work in the Moment but Don’t Seem to Alter the Seller-Shopper Relationship

Studying 1 million Alibaba users, Hengchen Dai mostly confirms the transactional nature of internet retailing

International flags and Euro sign Research Brief / Markets

One European Country Defaults: How Hard-Hit Is the Euro?

A predictive model employs credit default swaps across currencies

Computer screen with stock trading software Research Brief / Trading

One Data Set That Warns Against Margin Trading

As a group, Chinese futures traders more likely to suffer margin call than to profit

Warehouse Research Brief / Sustainability

Once Begun, Corporate Carbon Reduction Efforts Gather Momentum

Companies are surprised: Opportunities to reduce CO2 are more plentiful than expected

A person sits in a wicker chair looking a white wall covered in multicolored sticky notes Research Brief / Startups

On Kickstarter, Beware of ‘Feature Fatigue’

Backers like to offer suggestions to a not-quite-finished product

Research Brief / Data Analytics

Old Ways of Thinking Cause Managers to Disregard Analytics

Highlighting the right data and making it relevant can help overcome resistance

Research Brief / Stock Market

Often Reviled, Short Sellers Are Newly Vulnerable to the Meme Mob

A short squeeze can ripple across short sellers’ positions

A man tests a phone from a display in a store Research Brief / Supply Chain

Offering Free Upgrades Early to Manage Inventory and Boost Profit

Waiting until one product model runs out can be a costly mistake

Vacuum cleaner sucking money on white background. Research Brief / Health Care

Nursing Home Industry Profits Obscured by Related-Party Transactions

Management and real estate deals to owners’ firms siphon off most profits

An open daily planner Research Brief / Time Management

Not Now: Correcting Imbalance in One’s Schedule Takes Planning and Time

People across studies want to change their lives, but are more inclined to do that in the distant future