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It’s mostly better than Dunder Mifflin – but for many, it’s worse.

Feature / Workplace

Collaboration’s Downside: Individuals Take Too Much Credit

Not just the office jerk. Even good colleagues overclaim. Managing around this destructive dynamic isn’t straightforward

An illustration of people with center character wearing a cape
Research Brief / Workplace

Abusing a Co-Worker? Watch Your Back

Analysis of 250 studies finds the most common response to negative workplace behavior is an eye for an eye

Illustration of three characters screaming at each other
Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

Being Biased against Friends to Appear Unbiased

If the boss is your friend, and compensation decisions are public, a bonus you’d get on merit might not be forthcoming

Illustration of two men with one crossing his fingers behind his back
Research Brief / Workplace

Bystanders Are Tougher than Victims in Punishing Office Misbehavior

Research looks beyond management to measure how co-workers police each other

Illustration of one person pointing, another sitting, and wearing a tie with a briefcase
Research Brief / Accounting

Snarky Co-Workers Can Ruin Morale, Even When the Boss Is Supportive

Malignant personalities loom large in workplace happiness and a supervisor’s positive tone carries only so far

Person with head buried in their hand
Research Brief / Workplace

How Organizational Hierarchy Hinders a Platform Aimed at Worker Collaboration

NASA employees engaged when it was clear their bosses were on board

Overlooking stock trading desks
Research Brief / Workplace

Working for a Startup Depresses Long-Term Earnings

The most lucrative career paths avoid young, small firms

Two people at a shared open office space sitting on red rubber balls
Feature / Workplace

Co-Worker Schmoozing Rises as Salaries are Thought of as Hourly Pay

Putting a value on networking becomes implicit

Employees socializing with each other
Research Brief / Compensation

Employees Are OK with Unequal Pay — If They Have a Say in It

Workers involved in compensation decisions might accept a co-worker’s better deal if management didn’t unilaterally decide

Illustration of salary men
Feature / Compensation

Pay Transparency: Will It Help or Hurt Workers?

Many assume salary transparency will benefit employees, but research suggests downsides, too

Illustration of people surrounding a magnifying glass with varying dollar amounts above their heads
Research Brief / Gender Gap

All Along the Pipeline, Men Promote Men

At one bank, the cumulative effect of male bonding accounts for 39% of the gender pay gap

Coworkers at a bar talking
Research Brief / Diversity

White Men Admire a Company That Employs White Women

But white men, seeing African American women employed, don’t react so favorably

Collage of diverse business women
Research Brief / Diversity

Diversity: Measuring How and Why Groups See It Differently

Perceived differences between “diverse” and “sufficiently diverse”

Illustration collage of different faces
Research Brief / Workplace

Workplace Empowerment Can Alter One’s View of Societal Authority

Chinese garment workers and U.S. university employees, worlds apart, react similarly when allowed a bit of self-determination

Group of people standing in a circle with their hands in the middle while smiling
Research Brief / Workplace

Motivating Workers with a Sacred Symbol: Promise and Peril

A Chinese garment factory tidied up after golden coins were displayed

Workers in a garment factory
Research Brief / Manufacturing

How Fashion Brands Can Best Ensure Worker Safety in Developing Nations

Collective action, rather than each brand working alone, appears more effective and costs less

Building in ruble while emergency workers recover a body
Feature / Strategy

STEM Careers: Accelerating Women’s Progress

How to build confidence with recognition incentives

Three female engineers
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