The kind of reward matters less than the type of connection between giver and recipient
It’s generally a positive in both cultures, but buy-in is more tentative in China
How unknown individuals turn into influencers on a platform for programmers
Nurses (and women) rate highly for warmth; lawyers, not so much
Higher morbidity found where fewer staffers are vaccinated against COVID-19
Measure of export intensity raises questions about trade policy and housing restrictions
Social and institutional forces ultimately enable — or stifle — change
Fixing the process and abandoning the mindset of ‘fixing the women’
Omitting female-typical language, in the eyes of hiring managers, makes a woman less ‘likable’
Concept of attachment theory, born in developmental psychology, applied to the workplace
Study of L.A.-area restaurants gauges effect on owners, customers, landlords
A behavioral nudge passes a real-world test with 6,000 workers
Forced to nod in agreement, workers may embrace conspiracy theories, be less trusting
Payroll data allows researchers to finally build an accurate and meaningful measurement
The history of industrial transformation suggests more gradual change