Topic: Workplace

Person with head buried in their hand Research Brief / Accounting

Snarky Co-Workers Can Ruin Morale, Even When the Boss Is Supportive

Malignant personalities loom large in workplace happiness and a supervisor’s positive tone carries only so far

A female surgeon looks to two nurses as a male surgeon continues to work on a patient's foot. Research Brief / Gender Gap

Shorter Workweek Could Help Close the Gender Wage Gap

Study of medical residencies shows shift in women’s specialty choices when hours reduced

Black pencil with white eraser removing a written mistake on a piece of paper. Research Brief / Gender

Removing Words With Gender Bias in Job Ads: More Diverse Applicants

Women — and some men — more inclined to apply for positions

Two males looking at a computer screen Research Brief / Leadership

Quantifying Team Leadership Approaches: To Do, or to Direct Others?

In a field often ruled by personality, a rational model is proposed

Coworkers sitting on the floor eating pizza Research Brief / Diversity

Positive Workplace Experiences White Employees Take for Granted Are Often Lacking for Other Groups

Workplace equality requires more than an end to discrimination

Two illustrated figures facing each other, both are wearing white masks and facing profile Research Brief / Workplace

People Suffer From Hiding Their Feelings – So Might Their Employers

Forced to nod in agreement, workers may embrace conspiracy theories, be less trusting

Illustration of people surrounding a magnifying glass with varying dollar amounts above their heads Feature / Compensation

Pay Transparency: Will It Help or Hurt Workers?

Many assume salary transparency will benefit employees, but research suggests downsides, too

Two opposing co-ed teams play a game of soccer Research Brief / Gender Gap

Opting Women into Competition Could Help Narrow Gender Gap

Fixing the process and abandoning the mindset of ‘fixing the women’

Illustration of a man chasing money floating away while chained to a ball Feature / Compensation

Noncompete Agreements Reduce Worker Pay — and Overall Economic Activity

Researchers refute earlier claims

A couple watching TV Research Brief / Compensation

New Technology Lifted Pay, Especially for the Bosses

Top executives saw much larger gains after broadband adoption than the workers below them

Workers in a garment factory Research Brief / Workplace

Motivating Workers with a Sacred Symbol: Promise and Peril

A Chinese garment factory tidied up after golden coins were displayed

Two staffers wearing face masks hand dishes to women in the senior living center Research Brief / COVID-19

More Staffers: More COVID-19 Exposures and More Nursing Home Deaths

Reliance on part-timers raises headcounts and dangers to patients

Illustration of a man and woman in business attire Research Brief / Workplace

Mobile Workers More Likely to Cold-Shoulder a Dishonest Co-Worker

Research compares U.S. behavior to norms in Asia

Two man fist bumping as they sit in front of a computer at a desk Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

Matching Incentives with the Right Relationship

The kind of reward matters less than the type of connection between giver and recipient

Research Brief / COVID-19

Link Between Unvaccinated Staff and Nursing Home Deaths

Higher morbidity found where fewer staffers are vaccinated against COVID-19

Illustration of characters with thought bubbles containing dollar signs Research Brief / Compensation

It’s OK if the Boss Earns More, but a Problem When Co-Workers Do

Study of a large corporation explores how salary comparisons affect employee behavior